How to care for your Painted Lady caterpillars
Each larva (caterpillar) comes in a one ounce and a quarter plastic individual clear container with a cover that holds a paper towell to control humidity and to serve as support when the larva hangs itself by the tail, head down when it will pupate (transform into a chrysalis). In the container with the larva, there is a spoonful of soya flour based artificiel diet.
You can leave the container on a shelf away from direct sunlight at all times and at room temperature. The caterpillar will manage alone and when it will be finished feeding, it will push away the frass, hang itself upside down and transform into a chrysalis or pupa without your help.
You can leave the container on a shelf away from direct sunlight at all times and at room temperature. The caterpillar will manage alone and when it will be finished feeding, it will push away the frass, hang itself upside down and transform into a chrysalis or pupa without your help.